Sonia Lay

Sonia Lay Position: Head of Year 2, SENCO, Year 2 Teacher

Sonia gained her undergraduate honours degree in Primary Teaching from Kingston University, in England. Sonia is passionate about helping all learners to succeed and this motivated her to pursue further studies. She completed a Master's Degree in Literacy Learning and Literacy Difficulties, from University of London, followed by a Specialist Teacher Qualification for Learners with Specific Learning Difficulties.

Throughout her teaching career, Sonia taught most of the year groups within the elementary phase and she enjoyed leadership positions including: phase leader, assistant headship, and lecturing on teacher training programmes.

Sonia is committed to making the curriculum engaging and accessible to all. She believes that nurturing learners’ curiosity, resilience, and motivation are essential prerequisites to future academic and personal success. Sonia’s classrooms have a family atmosphere in which we can all grow and learn together, support one another and celebrate our achievements.

In her spare time, Sonia enjoys visiting new places, exploring, learning about new cultures, spending time outdoors with her friends and family doing hiking, cycling, swimming, and skiing.