Within the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP), students have the opportunity to take Visual Arts; a subject that requires students to create their own collections of artworks based on their self-chosen theme for two years and present them in an Art Exhibition. Three students namely Amanda Ooi, Angeline Ng and Kristen Phang took this course and after years of hard work and patience, opened their exhibition on the evening of the 12 t March 2018 in the Drama Room.
It took several months to prepare for the Exhibition with students creating a range of final pieces of art that communicated their theme and messages. Students also prepared their Process Portfolio that records down progress and experimentation before producing the final artwork along with a Comparative Study which analyses and compares established artists.
In preparation for the Exhibition, invitations had to be prepared, equipment had to be bought in, food had to be ordered and a week of setting up was mixed into the accumulation of the proud moment. After a quick speech by Ms Grocott, our IBDP Art Teacher the opening of the Exhibition was officially launched.

As parents, students and teachers explored the art gallery, they each viewed the amazing work done by SJIIM’s year 13 girls. Each segment of the exhibition belonged to a student. Amanda’s artworks portrayed the concept of the old heritage vs modernism in architectural designs which allowed her audience to understand the treasure of our history. Angeline’s art collection meanwhile explored the effect of mankind on the surrounding, especially on mother nature, to awaken such awareness within the viewer’s minds. Kristen’s exhibition conveyed the similarities of both fantasy and reality, dissolving the line between them and revealing to her audience the beauty and suffering of both realms. Those who visited the Exhibition enjoyed the artworks immensely with particular highlights on Amanda’s ‘Devouring the Old’, Angeline’s ‘Under Construction’ and Kristen’s ‘Behind the Page’.
The Exhibition was opened to the public for 3 days with each visitor felling satisfied and appreciative of the work produced. It was truly a great experience for both the artists and their audience.
Kristen Phang
Year 13 IBDP Student