SJIIM Chinese Language Parent Workshop with Dr. Wong of NIE Singapore

Parents of SJIIM had a treat recently when they attended a Chinese Language Parent Workshop on the 9th of November 2018. The workshop titled “What ICT can do for your child’s Chinese learning that you probably don’t know yet” was conducted by Dr. Wong Lung Hsiang, a Senior Research Scientist in the Office of Education Research (OER) of National Institute of Education (NIE) Singapore. Dr. Wong introduced a variety of apps and online learning tools for parents to help their children learn the Chinese Language at home. Our parents enjoyed the workshop and are looking forward to enhancing the learning of their children at home using ICT.

Dr. Wong Lung Hsiang of NIE Singapore

The collaboration between SJIIM and the NIE Singapore highlights SJIIM’s commitment towards the development of a strong Mandarin programme in the school.

For potential parents who are keen to attend this workshop, you are welcome to register for a special Connecting 21st Century Learning and Chinese Language Workshop by Prof. Aw Guat Poh and Dr. Wong Lung Hsiang from NIE Singapore on the 15th of December 2018, 10 am – 12 noon at SJIIM. To RSVP your place early, kindly contact Ms. Jin Nee at