Many congratulations to our students for their success in achieving excellent grades in the recent IGCSE examinations. Overall, 22% of the grades achieved were graded at A* which is an outstanding achievement while 53% were graded at A*- A which is significantly higher than the World IGCSE Examination Result Average of 49% in 2017. Meanwhile, 78% of the grades achieved were graded A*- B and an impressive 93% were graded at A* – C, a distant better than the World IGCSE Result Average of 83% in 2017. There were also loud cheers in the High School as well when it was revealed that 94% of our students who sat for the IGCSE examinations achieved a minimum 5A* – C grade for all their subject papers which assures the student’s further education pathways for the future. The top scorer of SJIIM was Ter Shin Huey who scored 8A* 2A in her IGCSE results. Please refer to the image below for a summary of our achievements: